Chicago Police Superintendent Garry F. McCarthy today announced the retirement of his trusted second-in-command, First Deputy Police Superintendent Alfonza Wysinger, as well as the Chief of the Bureau of Internal Affairs, Juan Rivera, who served with distinction for nearly 30 years. In a series of corresponding moves, McCarthy announced the promotion of three talented, and widely respected, veteran commanding officers to new leadership positions within the Department. The appointments are effective October 15, 2015.
025th District Bicycle Safety Event
Business Alert – Robberies – 025th District (Grand Central)
This alert gives notice to businesses in the 025th District (Grand Central) of two recent robberies to small businesses in the 025th District. In these cases, three male black teens enter the business, display a black handgun and demand money from the cash register. In one case, the offenders also took property from patrons in the store.
Community Alert – Strong Arm Robberies – 017th District (Albany Park)
There have been three recent Strong Arm Robberies on beat 1723 in the 17th District. In these cases, an unknown male offender approaches female victims and forcibly takes their property.
Community Alert – Robberies – 011th District (Harrison)
This alert gives notice to citizens residing in the 011th District (Harrison) of an increase in robbery related incidents that have occurred during the month of October. In these incidents, an offender used force and the threat of force by displaying a handgun, and taking jewelry, wallet, USC and credit cards from citizens on the street.
Community Alert – Robberies – 011th District (Harrison)
This alert gives notice to citizens residing in the 011th District (Harrison) of robbery related incidents that have occurred during the month of September and October. In these incidents, an offender used force and the threat of force by displaying a handgun and or knife taking cell phones, wallets and credit cards from citizens on the street.
Community Alert – Burglaries – 011th District (Harrison)
This alert gives notice to citizens residing in the 011th District (Area North) of Burglary related incidents that have occurred during the month of September. In these incidents, an offender used force to enter residences and take property.
Community Alert – Robberies – 011th District (Harrison)
This alert gives notice to citizens residing in the 011th District (Harrison) of robbery related incidents that have occurred during the month of October. Two of these incidents involved taking the victims vehicle. In all of these incidents, an offender used force and the threat of force by displaying a handgun, and taking cell phones, coats and credit cards from citizens.
Click here for more information on the Community Alert
Community Alert – Robberies – 011th District (Harrison)
This alert gives notice to citizens residing in the 011th District (Harrison) of robbery related incidents that have occurred during the months of September and October. In these incidents, an offender used force and the threat of force by displaying a handgun, and taking cell phones, wallet, and credit cards from citizens on the street.
7th Annual Dog Walk – 022nd District Domestic Violence Sub-Committee
On October 3, 2015, the 022nd District along with The Branch Family Institute, Metropolitan Family Services, Universal Family Connection, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office and A New Direction held a dog walk through the Morgan Park community, “Breaking the Leash”, in order to raise awareness on the issue of Domestic Violence.