CPD Community Engagement Application

CPD, in partnership with the philanthropic community and third-party Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and consultants, are actively working to develop a plan for how to thoughtfully and meaningfully bring to life Superintendent Larry Snelling’s vision that, “all people in the City of Chicago know how to engage with the [Chicago Police] Department and know that every Chicago Police Officer is a Community Policing Officer there to support them”. This goal directly aligns with requirements in Chicago’s Consent Decree and Mayor Brandon Johnson’s People’s Plan for Community Safety.

But, CPD recognizes that it cannot and should not do that alone – community must be a critical part of the work. CPD is seeking to partner with local CBOs to co-design and execute a citywide process that engages community members to provide input on the implementation of community policing in Chicago.

In addition to informing the future of community policing, this community engagement structure is also integral to two other city-wide initiatives as part of Mayor Brandon Johnson’s People’s Plan for Community Safety:

  • Workforce Allocation Initiative: As part of a Consent Decree initiative to reform certain training, policies, and practices to ensure constitutional, effective, and transparent policing, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) will be undergoing a comprehensive agency-wide staffing level and workforce allocation analysis that addresses every Department bureau and unit and at every rank and position to include sworn and civilian members.
  • 911 Alternate Response: The City of Chicago is reviewing options to expand the use of “alternate response” models – such as its Crisis Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE) program – to improve the specialized response care residents receive, ensure efficient allocation of policing resources, and, ultimately, have more just and equitable outcomes for residents using the 911 system in Chicago.

The community input synthesized in this process will be crucial in helping to ensure that future solutions derived from the above initiatives are credible and impactful in order to meet the needs of residents.


For CBOs that are interested in helping to shape the future of community policing:

Community Based Organizations (Application due July 28th at 11:59 PM CST)

CPD is seeking 6-8 CBO partners who have credibility and reach across geographies and populations that represent a diverse cross-section of Chicago. CBOs will co-design and execute community input sessions to gather feedback on the implementation of community policing in Chicago. The CBOs will then work together to synthesize key learnings and takeaways into a report that will be used to inform future community policing as well as be made publicly available.The CBOs will be supported by a facilitator for the co-design and synthesis processes.

In addition to helping shape the future of community policing, each CBO will be compensated $35,000 through support of philanthropic partners.

Interested parties should send questions and completed applications to [email protected] by July 28th at 11:59 PM CST.


Click here for the application and more details


Timeline for the application process:

  1. Applications Open on July 8th, 2024
  2. Application Close on July 28th at 11:59 PM CST
  3. Selection Panel begins application review process in late July
  4. Selected CBOs will be notified in early August


Criteria and rubric for selecting applicants:

Scoring Rubric
Criteria Weighting Scale
Capacity: Ability to plan and host a to-be-determined number of community input sessions with a broad suite of stakeholders between August 2024 and early 2025. 20% Not proven = 0


Clear Evidence = 5


Excelling and Clear Record = 10

Geographic / stakeholder coverage: Established, credible relationships with community members and stakeholders, particularly in target geographies and with target populations 20% Not proven = 0


Clear Evidence = 5


Excelling and Clear Record = 10

Community engagement experience: Experience working closely with community members and hosting community input meetings, with clear examples of successful preparation and execution. Extensive experience convening diverse stakeholders to productively collaborate with one another. Effective management of open-ended discussions with passionate stakeholders. 20% Not proven = 0


Clear Evidence = 5


Excelling and Clear Record = 10

Programmatic experience: Experience delivering results in the community policing and/or public safety space or any related areas. 20% Not proven = 0


Clear Evidence = 5


Excelling and Clear Record = 10

Inclusivity and collaboration: Exceptional ability to engage a wide range of viewpoints and create inclusive spaces, ensuring all voices are heard and respected. Highly collaborative mindset with a strong track record of effective partnerships with community organizations and other stakeholders. Willingness to collaborate with CPD to drive improved outcomes. 20% Not proven = 0


Clear Evidence = 5


Excelling and Clear Record = 10


Selection Panel Composition:

The selection panel will be composed of 6-7 public safety, philanthropic, and community stakeholders.

Link will download word document of CBO application