Racial Equity Action Plan

The Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP) is a strategic plan for the Chicago Police Department (CPD or the Department) that details priorities and actions that CPD will take over the course of three years (2024 – 2026) to advance racial equity and inclusivity within its operations and interactions with the community. Implementation of the plan intends to improve equitable outcomes, reduce racial disparities, and achieve racial equity and inclusion in CPD’s core work by fostering inclusivity, diversity, and fairness within the Department and its interactions with the community. By addressing community engagement, workforce diversity, and public safety with a racial equity lens, CPD aims to build trust, promote justice, and create a safer and more equitable Chicago for all.

CPD began developing its REAP in December 2022, with guidance from the City of Chicago’s Office of Equity and Racial Justice. The creation of CPD’s REAP stems from the City of Chicago’s municipal code (2-4-100), which requires that all city departments must create and maintain REAPs “to articulate and guide strategy aimed at advancing equity and making it a permanent pillar in all departmental workstreams.” Progress on all REAPs is accounted for annually as a part of the City of Chicago’s budget process. In May 2023, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) published a draft of its Racial Equity Action Plan, a first for CPD, and invited the public to review it and provide feedback to CPD on it. 

The REAP also emphasizes the importance of ongoing efforts, committing to a sustained focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. This involves creating dedicated teams within CPD that focus on equity work, launching an internal Equity Cross-Function Team, establishing an Equity Office within the Department, and engaging in continuous dialogue with the community. CPD also pledges to evaluate and adapt its strategies based on feedback, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to achieving lasting racial equity within the Department.

Chicago Police Department’s Racial Equity Action Plan