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CPD Announces Draft Use of Force Policy
7 Oct 2016
CPD Superintendent Eddie Johnson announced today a draft revision to the Department’s use of force policy. The draft policy provides clear direction for officers when the use of force is necessary, while placing a heavy emphasis on the sanctity of life.
As part of Superintendent Johnson’s commitment to  building public trust and transparency, a 45 day public comment period will begin today at 12:00 pm to allow all Chicagoans to provide their input on the draft policy. At the end of the comment period, CPD Command Staff, as well as legal and technical experts, will review the feedback and draft a final version of the General Order. This represents the first time the Department has sought public comment for a draft policy.
“Ever since becoming Superintendent I have been committed to building public trust, fostering transparency, and providing officers with the tools they need to do their jobs more effectively. That is why I chose to seek public input on this important policy,” said Superintendent Johnson. “We will continue to implement policies, training, and tactics based on the best practices of 21st Century policing and never lose sight of our individual and collective responsibilities in every encounter with the public.” For More Information Click Here
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